March 18, 2012

My First Pie: Fin

It's doooooone! Took almost an hour, and we ended up turning it up to 375 to finish because the fruit was still not bubbling. But then I heard the sizzle of it boiling over onto the bottom of he oven and we knew it was over. Pulled it out and now it's cooling.

So my impressions of this crust recipe is that it's not quite what I want in the end. Light and flakey but it was kind of hard to roll and it's not sweet enough. I will be experimenting for the next one but otherwise- nice first try!


  1. Hey Samantha, check out this pie dough recipe from Cooks Illustrated. It's what I always use and it works every time. Super flakey and easy to roll out.

    1. Hey Michael!! I will check it out. Miss you!!
